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Minggu, 27 Desember 2015


Kritik terhadap penyuluhan klasik

Mahal, menghabiskan anggaran pemerintah
Tidak efisien dalam penggunaan anggaran dibandingkan dengan bidang
profesi lain di pemerintahan
Organisasinya besar , lamban, dan kaku
One way communication
Menurut Qamar (2005):
“The fact remains, however, that modernization and reforms are needed
in the existing national extension systems as a result of the many
global forces that are changing socio- economic and political
conditions in the world, creating new challenges and learning needs
for farmers in developing countries”.
Mengapa perlu moderniasi penyuluhan?
Menurut Swanson et al. (Swanson, Burton E.; Robert P. Bentz; and
Andrew J. Sofranko (eds). 2004: Improving Agricultural Extension: A
Reference Manual. www.fao.org):
1. Agroekologi: materi penyuluhan harus mampu merespon kebutuhan
teknologi yang sangat bergantung pada zona agroekologi yang berbeda
(agroecological zones), tidak lagi seragam sebagaimana revolusi hijau.
2. Political-economic: pengaruh dari tahap perkembangan negara (stage
of economic development), berapa besar investasi pemerintah dalam
kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian: seberapa besar ketergantungan ekonomi
nasional kepada sektor pertanian? Berapa warga negara yang masih
bergantung pada pertanian?
3. Sociocultural: perbedaaan kultural antar petani, language
differences and illiteracy, proporsi keterlibatan perempuan dan
laki-laki, pola agraria, struktur penguasaan lahan.
4. Kebijakan nasional: berkenaan dengan ketahanan pangan, berapa
surplus pangan mau diproduksi, market Intervention, infrastructure,
institutional factors, Research, Education and Training, Input Supply,
Credit, Farmer Organizations and NGO
Agricultural Extension Needed Paradigm Shift (Baldeo Singh, 2009):
1. Information now has real, measurable value
2. Public extension services are no more solesource of information
3. Essential shift from “provider mentality” to “user mentality”
4. Required shift from broadcasting to narrow casting
5. Instance Performance
6. Demand driven and customized information 6
Kondisi yang melatarbelakangi perlunya  PENYULUHAN MODERN:
- Karena itu kita membutuhkan suatu perubahan mendasar (revolution in
information technology).
- Dunia penyuluhan menghadapi new people and new institutions (Rivera, 1997).
Tantangan baru dunia penyuluhan:
(Menurut M. Kalim Qamar. 2005. Modernizing National Agricultural
Extension Systems: A Practical Guide For Policy-Makers Of Developing
Countries. Senior Officer (Agricultural Training & Extension). Fao,
Rome. Http://Www.Fao.Org/.....)
• sustainable development
• rural improvement and agricultural advancement
• globalization
• market liberalization
• decentralization
• privatization and democratization
• new learning requirements for subsistence and commercial farmers in
developing countries.
• revolution in information technology

Tujuan modernisasi penyuluhan pertanian:
 “To make the national extension system demand- driven, gender
sensitive, participatory, bottom- up, and a relatively lean
organization, which could efficiently respond to farmers’ extension
and training needs emerging as a result of globalization, market
liberalization, decentralization, and democratization, making use of
information technology tools as far as possible”.
Apa kunci new professionalism in extension?
Menurut Roche (1992), Pretty and Chambers (1993), dan Pretty (1995) adalah:

1. Pendekaan partisipatif. “These participatory methods and approaches
represent an opportunity to build better linkages between the various
actors and to increase the learning from each other”.
2. New systems of participatory learning
3. New learning environments for professionals and local people
4. New institutional settings
5. Menciptakan organisasi penyuluhan yang bercirikan organissasi
pembelajar (learning organizations).


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